One of my favourite plugins for pidgin is pidgin-blinklight, which blinks my ThinkPad’s ThinkLight upon the arrival of new messages. Pretty useful as it is not as annoying (especially for others around you) as playing weird sounds. Unfortunately such a plugin is not available for other messengers like psi - but you’re able to specify your own sound player. So I came up with the following script, which is my default sound player in psi now.
#!/bin/bash IBMLIGHT="/proc/acpi/ibm/light" function light_is_on() { [ "on" = "`grep status ${IBMLIGHT} | awk '{print $2}'`" ] return $? } function light_off() { echo off > ${IBMLIGHT} } function light_on() { echo on > ${IBMLIGHT} } if light_is_on; then light_off sleep 0.2 light_on sleep 0.1 light_off sleep 0.2 light_on else light_on sleep 0.2 light_off fi
Hint: In case you want a blinking light and sound, just add something like exec /usr/bin/play $@ at the end of the script.