Merkaartor svn snapshot uploaded to experimental

As the release of version 0.15 of Merkaartor (a map editor for is planned for the end of February, I’ve uploaded a svn snapshot based on revision 19956 to Debian experimental. Please test it and report bugs to the BTS as soon as possible, so I can triage and forward them to upstream. »

Caching issues in django

Yesterday I stumbled upon an interesting and broken behaviour of Django: Running two instances with the same memcached as cache backend might result in displaying the wrong template from the cache in case we have template files with the same name but a different content. This behaviour is also visible in all django applications which use the cache backend without taking care of settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX. As mentioned in the bug report a design decision is necessary here, as the setting was only supposed to be used in middlewares. »

The ganneff way of becoming a Debian package maintainer

Once there was a project called Debian and a Ganneff…. (unfortunately in German only….) 22:20 Das ist doch voll die Arbeit Maintainer zu werden :-). Ich geb gewünschte Pakete immer nur weiter an einen der da sowieso schon den Kernel betreut :-) 22:21 es is nur viel arbeit wenn du keinen schimmer hast 22:22 ja ich hab nur das seepferdchen *g* 22:22 Knusper: ja sicher ist es das 22:22 kopf - tisch 22:22 Knusper, wenn du die verwaisten pakete findest siehst du auf der gleichen seite auch die links wie man maintainer wird 22:22 die hab ich gefunden 22:22 zumindest hab ich das das letzte mal dort gesehen 22:24 wnpp? »

Author image Bernd Zeimetz on #debian,

Douf00 - fat free presentations

Now there is yet another package with a weird name in Debian - douf00 - a lightweight, slim and straight forward presentation tool. Written by some guys from a hacking and security team, which is mainly based in Vienna - guess that explains the l33t name (if you’re scared now, yes, I’ve reviewed the code…). At the FrOSCon one of the authors asked me if I’d be willing to package it for Debian. »

Author image Bernd Zeimetz on #debian,

German keyboard layout for cyanogenmod

After installing the really awesome CyanogenMod on my G1/HTC Dream I was facing the problem that the keyboard layout was switched to qwerty - while I really prefer that on all my computers, it is annoying to use if you have to guess all the Alt keys. There are several opinions out there about what to do to change the keyboard layout - the following procedure works well for me: »

Author image Bernd Zeimetz on #android,